Agriculture in the district

The district takes high positions in the field of agriculture. Subject to the data contained in the Lithuanian Department of Statistics, in the year 2013 the district took the following positions in the farms of all categories on the national level:

3rd place in the production of meat in live weight of 22167 ton, 2nd place in the production of milk (65503 ton), 8th place in the average cow milk yield (6608 kg). 6th place in the overall yield of grains of 235191 ton, 5th place in that of rapes (374348 ton). We are pleased that having evaluated the efficiency of farm activities in the municipality territories, Lithuanian Association of Agricultural Companies appointed, or calculated, the 6th place to Panevėžys district out of 49 municipalities for the first time during the years of Independence.

The agriculture land and crop area declared year by year is the largest in the country. In the year 2014 3124 applicants declared 111284.7 ha; although the number of applicants has decreased, the area has increased in 1.0 per cent and it constitutes 3.9 per cent of the area declared in the country.

Arable land has increased to 92768 ha or by 2.6 per cent, which constitutes 5.2 per cent of the overall area declared in the country.

The dairy cattle breeding is a leading trend of livestock production in the district and its trends in the Republic are very similar to the ones in the district as the number of cattle, including cows, is declining. 9th place in keeping cattle and cows is occupied in the country and 13th place (6638 kg, F+P 525 kg) in average cow productivity according to the fat and protein amount is occupied. The trend of herd scaling is observed in the district; however, the number of farms in which 1-2 cows are kept is decreasing year by year. The average size of a cow herd in the district is 0.8 of cow (5.1 in the country). A considerable influence to the production of milk in the district is made by 13 agricultural companies, which develop cattle breeding and stabilize the production of milk in the district.